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Friday, January 30, 2009

tomorrow I will elect

tomorrow is the day where all (most of) the iraqis will go to elect who represent them in the government to "Provincial Elections" , and it is the first time to me to elect someone since I become over 18 years old .. :) so I am happy .
today the americans overthrew leaflets on the city (mosul) and there was prohibition for driving in streets it will last for 2 days from today, besides when we go to elect tomorrow we can't carry bags or mobile phones, and we will go on foot (this looks like an adventure-to me at least-) .
I took a picture for the leaflets

leaflets on mosul
'' the new techniques goal for the bad people who wants to disturb the elections.''
"the security uses new techniques to protect people of Mosul city "
I finished my exams a week ago but I wanted to have some rest before I return for writing on , in this week we went to mosul forests on Dijla riverside, it was wonderful day, and I didn't forget to take few pictures for Dijla river

these are the pictures for dijla river

forests dijla river photo photos of dijla river

this is little islet in the middle of the river ,

islet in dijla river

I saw little cat cat at the forests :) ,

cat in forests

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The War on Gaza


We and Our hearts are with You

No for War

and Yes for Peace