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Monday, December 15, 2008

Bush and the shoe

flying shoes on Bush
صور منتظر الزيدي
صورة منتظر الزبيدي
montadhar throws shoe on Bush
بوش يتلقى حذاء بوجهه
بوش والصحفي والحذاء
صورة منتظر الزيديYesterday An Iraqi journalist (Montadhar Al Zaidi, 28 year old work as journalist at ALBAGHDADIA CHANNEL ) has thrown his shoes at Bush in his last visit to Baghdad, shouting: "This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, ****."

to see it click here to see the whole video

منتظر الزيديthis is montadar alzaidi

although this was an individual behavior but he relieves many Iraqi people , besides it was some type of offence to G.W Bush but it still in the border of the "Freedom of speech" as Bush said, but it considered as national feelings of him, but to me I see it as some kind of revenge from Bush on what he did with Iraq from this killing in Iraq.(Bush and the journalist, منتظر الزيدي، Montadhar Al Zaidi)


  1. منتظر الزيدي أشجع عراقي في العالم فعل ما عجز عن فعله الكثيرين من الناس الي بقلبهم حسرة من هالبوش المتغطرس
    الله يفك أسره وإن شاء الله يخرج منتظر الزبيدي بالسلامة
    وشكرا على صور منتظر الزيدي وعلى فيديو مقابلة بوش والحذاء الطائر على بوش
    this is the most brilliant thing in world , the iraqi journalist was very very brave , and we all support him, and G.W Bush deserve all this and more even, see how all people in world deal with these news they all stand with the brave Iraqi journalist (Mortadha Al Zaidi) ,
    may Allah guard him

  2. احلى فلعة افرحتني بحياتي

    شكرا لمنتظر الزيدي

    والله يفرج عنه ويذبح الاعداء امريكا واسرائيل وعملائهم

  3. I was wondering if you'd post about this...

  4. hi barb , I just wanted to post about this event, :D
    very brave man


Your comment make this thing more clear to me, say what you want to say but don't stay calm..